Educational Videos

Video resources to help you work with your appropriate patients toward vaccination with AREXVY

Educational Opportunities

Join us to learn more about AREXVY at these exciting educational events.

We offer educational events that cover important topics related to AREXVY, featuring the views
of experts in their fields. Check the calendar to see a list of educational opportunities.


Downloadable Guides

Pharmacy Technician Pocket Guide

A concise guide for pharmacy technicians to understand the basic information about RSV and to help address patients' needs related to AREXVY.


Pocket Guide

A comprehensive resource to help pharmacists with basic information about RSV; the reconstitution, administration, and storage of AREXVY; and potential side effects and other questions that may arise.


Billing & Coding Guide

This guide is intended to provide
billing and coding information that
may be useful for reimbursement of AREXVY.


Ordering Guide

This guide is intended to provide information on acquiring AREXVY, including product and ordering information.


Patient Stories

Personal experiences from older adults with RSV